Results for 'Marcelo S. Norberto'

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  1.  38
    The same and the other: Sartre and bad faith.Marcelo S. Norberto - 2024 - ARGUMENTOS - Revista de Filosofia 31:107-116.
    Based on the notion of bad faith, the article seeks to lay the foundations for a diagnosis of contemporaneity, having as an index, on the one hand, the lack of human determination and, on the other, the effectiveness of the world.
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    Sparse distributed memory: understanding the speed and robustness of expert memory.Marcelo S. Brogliato, Daniel M. Chada & Alexandre Linhares - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  3.  30
    Predicting inmates misconduct using the SHAP approach.Fábio M. Oliveira, Marcelo S. Balbino, Luis E. Zarate, Fawn Ngo, Ramakrishna Govindu, Anurag Agarwal & Cristiane N. Nobre - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (2):369-395.
    Internal misconduct is a universal problem in prisons and affects the maintenance of social order. Consequently, correctional institutions often develop rehabilitation programs to reduce the likelihood of inmates committing internal offenses and criminal recidivism after release. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the profile of each offender, both for the appropriate indication of a rehabilitation program and the level of internal security to which he must be submitted. In this context, this work aims to discover the most significant characteristics in (...)
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    A impertinência de uma ética sartriana.Marcelo da Silva Norberto - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (3):e34152.
    O artigo analisa os pressupostos para a questão da existência de uma ética em Jean-Paul Sartre. Para tanto, discute a relação da forma ensaística com o pensamento de Sartre, especialmente em L’être et le néante se debate a pertinência da noção de autenticidade, questionando-a a partir da crítica da noção de origem. A partir desses dois temas, a pergunta sobre uma ética sartriana é posta sob duas dimensões irredutíveis: impossibilidade de se efetivar enquanto tal e, ao mesmo tempo, exigência da (...)
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  5. Ragione pratica, libertà, normatività.S. Allasia & Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo (eds.) - 1991 - Roma: Università lateranense.
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    A Finite Axiomatization For Fork Algebras.Marcelo Frias, Armando Haeberer & Paulo S. Veloso - 1997 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 5 (3):1-10.
    Proper fork algebras are algebras of binary relations over a structured set. The underlying set has changed from a set of pairs to a set closed under an injective function. In this paper we present a representation theorem for their abstract counterpart, that entails that proper fork algebras — whose underlying set is closed under an injective function — constitute a finitely based variety.1.
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    Thomas Hobbes and the natural law tradition.Norberto Bobbio - 1993 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Pre-eminent among European political philosophers, Norberto Bobbio has throughout his career turned to the political theory of Thomas Hobbes. Gathered here for the first time are the most important of his essays which together provide both a valuable introduction to Hobbes's thought and a fresh understanding of Hobbes's place in the theory of modern politics. Tracing Hobbes's work through De Cive and Leviathan , Bobbio identifies the philosopher's relation to the tradition of natural law. That Hobbes must now be (...)
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    Reduced Discrimination in the Tritanopic Confusion Line for Congenital Color Deficiency Adults.Marcelo F. Costa, Paulo R. K. Goulart, Mirella T. S. Barboni & Dora F. Ventura - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Two Decision Procedures for da Costa’s $$C_n$$ C n Logics Based on Restricted Nmatrix Semantics.Marcelo E. Coniglio & Guilherme V. Toledo - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (3):601-642.
    Despite being fairly powerful, finite non-deterministic matrices are unable to characterize some logics of formal inconsistency, such as those found between mbCcl and Cila. In order to overcome this limitation, we propose here restricted non-deterministic matrices (in short, RNmatrices), which are non-deterministic algebras together with a subset of the set of valuations. This allows us to characterize not only mbCcl and Cila (which is equivalent, up to language, to da Costa's logic C_1) but the whole hierarchy of da Costa's calculi (...)
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    Um sistema para visualização de dados volumétricos a partir de cortes histológicos digitalizados.Ruthiano S. Munaretti, Marcelo Walter, Wagner L. Cambruzzi & Clarice H. Deiques - 2001 - Scientia 12:11-19.
  11.  18
    Homenaje a Cecilia Braslavsky: conocimiento, historia y política en la educación.Cecilia Braslavsky, Inés Dussel, Pablo Pineau & Marcelo Caruso (eds.) - 2016 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Santillana.
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    Foucault's politics and bellicosity as a matrix for power relations.Marcelo Hoffman - 2007 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 33 (6):756-778.
    From the early to mid-1970s, Michel Foucault posited that power consists of a relation rather than a substance and that this relation is comprised of unequal forces engaged in a warlike struggle against each other, resulting invariably in the domination of some forces over others. This understanding of power, which he retrospectively dubbed `Nietzsche's hypothesis' and `the model of war', underpinned his well-known analyses of disciplinary power. Yet, Foucault in his Collège de France course from the academic year 1975-6, `Society (...)
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  13.  65
    Leibniz's two-pronged dialectic.Marcelo Dascal - 2008 - In Leibniz: What Kind of Rationalist? Springer. pp. 37--72.
  14.  70
    Reconnaissance, critique sociale et politique: Entretien de Gonçalo Marcelo avec Emmanuel Renault.Gonçalo Marcelo & Emmanuel Renault - 2011 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 2 (1):134-149.
    Au cours de cet entretien, Emmanuel Renault nous offre un aperçu de la manière dont la thématique de la reconnaissance est traitée en France aujourd’hui, notamment à travers le renouveau des études sur Hegel et Marx. Il explique la façon dont la reconnaissance a pu s’ériger en paradigme (en dépit de ses usages multiples et variés en France comme ailleurs), au cours de la dernière décennie et le rôle joué par Axel Honneth dans ce procès. Finalement, il explicite sa manière (...)
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  15. Many-valued logics and Suszko's thesis revisited.Marcelo Tsuji - 1998 - Studia Logica 60 (2):299-309.
    Suszko's Thesis maintains that many-valued logics do not exist at all. In order to support it, R. Suszko offered a method for providing any structural abstract logic with a complete set of bivaluations. G. Malinowski challenged Suszko's Thesis by constructing a new class of logics (called q-logics by him) for which Suszko's method fails. He argued that the key for logical two-valuedness was the "bivalent" partition of the Lindenbaum bundle associated with all structural abstract logics, while his q-logics were generated (...)
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    Non-normal Modalisation.Rogerio A. S. Fajardo & Marcelo Finer - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 83-95.
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    Editorial: Pathophysiology of the Basal Ganglia and Movement Disorders: Gaining New Insights from Modeling and Experimentation, to Influence the Clinic.Daniela S. Andres, Marcelo Merello & Olivier Darbin - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  18.  47
    Latin America's Electoral Turn: Left, Right, and Wrong.Marcelo Leiras - 2007 - Constellations 14 (3):398-408.
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    More than a Mentor: Leonard Darwin’s Contribution to the Assimilation of Mendelism into Eugenics and Darwinism.Norberto Serpente - 2016 - Journal of the History of Biology 49 (3):461-494.
    This article discusses the contribution to evolutionary theory of Leonard Darwin, the eighth child of Charles Darwin. By analysing the correspondence Leonard Darwin maintained with Ronald Aylmer Fisher in conjunction with an assessment of his books and other written works between the 1910s and 1930s, this article argues for a more prominent role played by him than the previously recognised in the literature as an informal mentor of Fisher. The paper discusses Leonard’s efforts to amalgamate Mendelism with both Eugenics and (...)
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  20. S/T = Untitled.Norberto Marrero Pírez - 2010 - In Steven C. Daiber & Yamilys Brito Jorge (eds.), Poder. Red Trillum Press.
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    Ensayo[s] de escritores: Mercado, heker, piglia, saer.Marcelo Casarin - 2006 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 2.
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    “But everybody’s doing it!”: a model of peer effects on student cheating.Marcelo de C. Griebeler - 2019 - Theory and Decision 86 (2):259-281.
    We provide a model in which students must choose whether or not to cheat on a course exam. By assuming that the moral cost of acting dishonestly decreases as the number of other people who behave in the same way increases, our model explains one important channel by which unethical behavior of other individuals can influence observers’ behavior. Through the use of the Global Games approach of equilibrium selection, we build a framework that provides the micro-foundations of peer effects on (...)
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  23.  32
    Inadequacies of Chisholm's Definitions of the Evident.Marcelo Dascal & Lydia Amir - 1981 - Critica 13 (37):69-76.
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    Marcuse’s "Transcendent Project" at 50.Marcelo Vieta - 2016 - Radical Philosophy Review 19 (1):143-172.
    This article sets out to revisit Herbert Marcuse’s “transcendent project” of liberation, as well as his notion of “post-technological rationality,” which grounded this project, articulated in outline form in the last section of One-Dimensional Man and in fragments throughout his middle writings between 1955 and 1972. The aim is to assess this project’s continued validity for the struggle for alternatives to the disorganizations and enclosures of neoliberal capitalism and its perpetual moments of crises. This article first reviews Marcuse’s place within (...)
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  25. Nihil sine ratione à blandior ratio.Marcelo Dascal - unknown
    blandior ratio : C, 34). I will first survey how extensive, albeit usually overlooked, is Leibniz’s concern with these “weaker” forms of reasoning, and how crucial they are for many of his practical and theoretical endeavors. I will then trace back this acute need of Leibniz´s brand of rationalism to the peculiar nature of the Principle of Sufficient Reason (PSR), as opposed to the other basic principle of his philosophy, the Principle of Contradiction (PC). I will present here only the (...)
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  26. Adam Smith's theory of language.Marcelo Dascal - 1996 - In Knud Haakonssen (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Adam Smith. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Adam Smith’s lasting fame certainly does not come from his work on language. He published very little on this topic and he is not usually mentioned in standard histories of linguistics or the philosophy of language. His most elaborate publication on the subject is a 1761 monograph on the origin and development of languages (FoL). Smith’s monograph joins a long list of speculative work on this then fashionable topic (cf. Hewes 1975, 1996). The fact that he later included it as (...)
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  27. Leibniz's conciliatory approaches in scientific controversies.Marcelo Dascal & Erez Firt - 2010 - In The Practice of Reason: Leibniz and His Controversies. John Benjamins. pp. 7--137.
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    Dugundji’s Theorem Revisited.Marcelo E. Coniglio & Newton M. Peron - 2014 - Logica Universalis 8 (3-4):407-422.
    In 1940 Dugundji proved that no system between S1 and S5 can be characterized by finite matrices. Dugundji’s result forced the development of alternative semantics, in particular Kripke’s relational semantics. The success of this semantics allowed the creation of a huge family of modal systems. With few adaptations, this semantics can characterize almost the totality of the modal systems developed in the last five decades. This semantics however has some limits. Two results of incompleteness showed that not every modal logic (...)
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    Distributed Control of a Manufacturing System with One-Dimensional Cellular Automata.Irving Barragan-Vite, Juan C. Seck-Tuoh-Mora, Norberto Hernandez-Romero, Joselito Medina-Marin & Eva S. Hernandez-Gress - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
    We present a distributed control modeling approach for an automated manufacturing system based on the dynamics of one-dimensional cellular automata. This is inspired by the fact that both cellular automata and manufacturing systems are discrete dynamical systems where local interactions given among their elements can lead to complex dynamics, despite the simple rules governing such interactions. The cellular automaton model developed in this study focuses on two states of the resources of a manufacturing system, namely, busy or idle. However, the (...)
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  30. Hobbes's challenge.Marcelo Dascal - unknown
    s to the Cognitive Sciences, in their excessively brief historical surveys, usually attribute to Thomas Hobbes the merit of having been the first thinker to propose the computational theory of the mind. What they overlook is (a) the fact that Hobbes explicitly assigned to..
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    Slow Tech: a roadmap for a good, clean and fair ICT.Norberto Patrignani & Diane Whitehouse - 2015 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 13 (3/4):268-282.
    Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to examine how Slow Tech can support the celebration of the 20-year series of ETHICOMP conferences, with its ethical and societal focus, building on earlier descriptions of Slow Tech. The paper takes Slow Tech’s ideas a step further to explore how a roadmap and concrete checklist of activities can be developed.Design/methodology/approach– The paper is a thought leadership or conceptual piece. Its approach is based on a normative, qualitative discourse. It, nevertheless, indicates a shift (...)
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  32. Chance and Teleology in Aristotle’s Physics.Marcelo D. Boeri - 1995 - International Philosophical Quarterly 35 (1):87-96.
  33.  70
    Ex pluribus unum? Patterns in 522+ Texts of Leibniz’s Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe VI, 4.Marcelo Dascal - 2003 - The Leibniz Review 13:105-154.
    “A major scholarly achievement”; “The long awaited result of painstaking and careful work, which surpasses all expectations and justifies all the effort and funds invested in it”; “An indispensable tool for understanding Leibniz’s thinking”; “A landmark in Leibniz research”; “A gift that contains hitherto unpublished pearls and reveals hitherto unsuspected patterns in the thinking of one of the greatest and most complex human minds”; “An inexhaustible treasure whence generations of philosophers will draw profound insights and wisdom”— these and many other (...)
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    Problems for Kitcher's account of explanation.Marcelo H. Sabates - 1994 - Philosophical Issues 5:273-282.
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    Sacred/Profane. The Durkheimian Aspect of William James's Philosophy of Religion.Claudio Marcelo Viale - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (151):57-79.
    El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar la existencia de un aspecto durkheimiano en la filosofía de la religión de William James, aspecto habitualmente inadvertido en las interpretaciones corrientes de su obra. Para ello mostraré cómo subyace en Las variedades de la experiencia religiosa la prototípica distinción durkheimiana entre lo sagrado y lo profano como rasgo esencial de la religión. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the existence of a Durkheimian aspect in William James' philosophy of religion, an (...)
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    Didáctica, ciencia y literatura: cienciatura de la razón estética.Norberto de Jesús Caro Torres & Mónica Moreno Torres - 2019 - Voces de la Educación 4 (7):84-111.
    The text is part of the investigative concerns from the authors with regard to the dialogue between literature and science teaching. It starts from several theoretical approaches around the general didactics, university or superior didactics, science’s didactics and for last, literature’s didactics. This is largely due to our search which is focused in articulate the university didactics with science and literature’s didactics, meanwhile, we pretend to answer to the questions ¿How are the specific didactics of science and literature going to (...)
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  37. Dichotomies and types of debate.Marcelo Dascal - unknown
    Dichotomies are ubiquitous in deliberative thinking, in decision making and in arguing in all spheres of life.[i] Sticking uncompromisingly to a dichotomy may lead to sharp disagreement and paradox, but it can also sharpen the issues at stake and help to find a solution. Dichotomies are particularly in evidence in debates, i.e., in argumentative dialogical exchanges characterized by their agonistic nature. The protagonists in a debate worth its name hold positions that are or that they take to be opposed; they (...)
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    Foucault sociologue: critique de la raison impure.Marcelo Otero - 2021 - Québec (Québec): Presses de l'Université du Québec.
    L'œuvre de Michel Foucault est inclassable car elle traverse des domaines très variés (philosophie, sociologie, histoire, anthropologie, criminologie, médecine, psychologie, linguistique, droit, etc.). Foucault n'est pas un sociologue au sens classique du terme. Il existe une sociologie puissante et novatrice chez lui. Mais laquelle? À quoi peut-elle servir aujourd'hui? En quoi est-elle utile pour théoriser les problèmes sociaux? Quels sont ses avantages et ses inconvénients? Quel type de « raisonnement sociologique » se dégage de son œuvre et quelles sont ses (...)
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    O motivo ético do recurso à subjetividade transcendental.Marcelo Fabri - 2016 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 21 (1):59-81.
    The paper aims to investigate the ethical motive which led Husserl to defend the transcendental subjectivity. The central thesis is that phenomenological attitude is more than a pure methodical and theoretical approach on human subjectivity. Husserlian’s use of the transcendental ego has a practical purpose. Considering that phenomenology always begins by the suspension of the natural attitude, the possibility of this suspension implicates a paradox: the ego must preserve his belief in reason and science in order to carry out the (...)
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    Slow Tech: a quest for good, clean and fair ICT.Norberto Patrignani & Diane Whitehouse - 2014 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 12 (2):78-92.
    Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to introduce the term Slow Tech as a way of describing information and communication technology that is good, clean and fair. These are technologies that are human centred, environmentally sustainable and socially desirable.Design/methodology/approach– The paper's approach is based on a qualitative discourse that justifies the introduction of Slow Tech as a new design paradigm.Findings– The limits of the human body, and the need to take into account human wellbeing, the limits of the planet (...)
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  41. Transparency in scientific communication: From leibnizג€™s dream to todayג€™s reality.Marcelo Dascal - unknown
    Communication is a crucial component of scientific activity (as of virtually any other domain of human activity, especially in this "communication age" in which we live). As researchers and as citizens, we should all be concerned with the communication of science as well as with communication within science. In this paper, I will deal with one of the key aspects of this topic ג€“ the question whether scientific communication is or should be ג€�transparentג€�. The view that this is or should (...)
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  42.  17
    La cuestión Del poder en la obra de Deleuze.Marcelo Sebastián Antonelli Marangi - 2021 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 36:17-43.
    RESUMEN En este artículo abordamos la cuestión del poder en el pensamiento de Deleuze. Según nuestra hipótesis, no hay en su obra un único concepto de poder sino diferentes enfoques no incompatibles entre sí pero que no se dejan reducir a un solo punto de vista. Esta variedad de abordajes puede ser reunida alrededor de dos posiciones generales adoptadas por Deleuze: primero, tiende a relativizar su eficacia respecto de otros elementos más fundamentales, realzando así los límites o la impotencia del (...)
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  43. Measure and passions in Plato’s Statesman.Marcelo Perine - 2021 - Filosofia Unisinos 8 (3).
    Starting from the platonic concept of thumos/thumoeides formulated in the Republic, the paper intends to show (1) the originality of the those concepts for the Plato’s anthropological conception of the individual and the citizen; (2) its coherence with the platonic doctrine of the Principles, delivered by the so called indirect tradition of the Platonism, and, (3) its fecundity for a contemporary reflection about the action of the statesman and about the political action of the philosopher. Key words: Plato, courage, moderation, (...)
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  44.  60
    A Statistical Analysis of the Relationship between Harmonic Surprise and Preference in Popular Music.Scott A. Miles, David S. Rosen & Norberto M. Grzywacz - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Ethics and Artificial Intelligence: Suicide Prevention on Facebook.Norberto Nuno Gomes de Andrade, Dave Pawson, Dan Muriello, Lizzy Donahue & Jennifer Guadagno - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (4):669-684.
    There is a death by suicide in the world every 40 seconds, and suicide is the second leading cause of death for 15–29-year-olds. Experts say that one of the best ways to prevent suicide is for those in distress to hear from people who care about them. Facebook is in a unique position—through its support for networks and friendships on the site—to help connect a person in these difficult situations with people who can support them. Connecting people with the resources (...)
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  46. Adam Smith's theory of language.Marcelo Dascal - 1996 - In Knud Haakonssen (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Adam Smith. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Adam Smith’s lasting fame certainly does not come from his work on language. He published very little on this topic and he is not usually mentioned in standard histories of linguistics or the philosophy of language. His most elaborate publication on the subject is a 1761 monograph on the origin and development of languages (FoL). Smith’s monograph joins a long list of speculative work on this then fashionable topic (cf. Hewes 1975, 1996). The fact that he later included it as (...)
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    A political life.Norberto Bobbio - 2002 - Malden, MA: Blackwell. Edited by Alberto Papuzzi & Allan Cameron.
    A Political Life is the compelling autobiography of Norberto Bobbio, one of the foremost political thinkers in postwar Italy. In dramatic and lively prose, Bobbio guides us through some of the most significant events of the twentieth century, charting their influence on his life and work. Born in 1909, Norberto Bobbio's early life was marked by the experience of growing up in Mussolini's Italy - an experience that helped to shape his passionate commitment to the anti-fascist cause. As (...)
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    Neural Correlates of Preference: A Transmodal Validation Study.Henrique T. Akiba, Marcelo F. Costa, July S. Gomes, Eduardo Oda, Paula B. Simurro & Alvaro M. Dias - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  49. Towards an hyperalgebraic theory of non-algebraizable logics.Marcelo E. Coniglio, Aldo Figallo-Orellano & Ana C. Golzio - 2016 - CLE E-Prints 16 (4):1-27.
    Multialgebras (or hyperalgebras) have been very much studied in the literature. In the realm of Logic, they were considered by Avron and his collaborators under the name of non-deterministic matrices (or Nmatrices) as a useful semantics tool for characterizing some logics (in particular, several logics of formal inconsistency or LFIs) which cannot be characterized by a single finite matrix. In particular, these LFIs are not algebraizable by any method, including Blok and Pigozzi general theory. Carnielli and Coniglio introduced a semantics (...)
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    Modal Logic With Non-Deterministic Semantics: Part II—Quantified Case.Marcelo E. Coniglio, Luis Fariñasdelcerro & Newton Marques Peron - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (5):695-727.
    In the first part of this paper we analyzed finite non-deterministic matrix semantics for propositional non-normal modal logics as an alternative to the standard Kripke possible world semantics. This kind of modal system characterized by finite non-deterministic matrices was originally proposed by Ju. Ivlev in the 70s. The aim of this second paper is to introduce a formal non-deterministic semantical framework for the quantified versions of some Ivlev-like non-normal modal logics. It will be shown that several well-known controversial issues of (...)
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